Pencil rough for hand-painted restaurant sign by Jean Emmanuel Zamor, of Léogâne, Haiti
Food-related projects are linked here.
This one, derived from interviews done while operating the Radyo Shak in Haiti, consists of orally transmitted recipes from inner city Port-au-Prince. With Owsley Brown Presents I am at present working to complete a bi-lingual recipe book, to be published in 2018.
Recipes are fascinating things, in that they are a codified system which nonetheless often give quite different results depending on who is preparing them, where they are being prepared and at what time of year, and so on. They are both celebrations of tradition, culture and transmission, and illustrations of the limitations of language. This so-far-unnamed Turkish recipe translation project is born of my selfish desire to be able to cook and eat more of the recipes collected, in Turkey and in Turkish, by the visionary historian and chef Musa Dağdeviren.